Great are You, Lord, for You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords above all things in this universe. How marvelous are Your works. You reign over all the universe for Your kingdom has no end. Father,  I thank You. I thank You for Your protection upon my life, I thank You for the strength You always give me to go through each and every day.

Gracious Father, I commit my source of income into Your hands. I ask that You bless the fruits of my labor. Father bless my source of income. Your word says in Haggai 2:8 that silver is Yours and gold is Yours. As Your child, I have nothing to worry about because You are the God of all riches. Father bless me with a miracle in my finances. Bless me to be a blessing unto others.  You are my financial support. No matter how hard I work, without Your blessing, I will still struggle. I have confidence in You that I will succeed in everything I do. Give me the grace to always abide in You, because in You there is fullness of joy and there is prosperity beyond measure. Let me not lack any good thing in life.

I close the doors of disappointment in my life and I open the doors of fruitfulness, opportunities, and blessings upon my life. I make futile the orchestrations of the wicked in my life. Make all their devices useless. Confuse them and let them be trapped in their own traps. Father, I stir up the same creative spirit that made the heavens and the Earth, to bring forth new ideas and inventions for the betterment of this world, so that we can be a blessing to many. Order our steps into the provision that you, Oh God, have already granted us, your children. Bless us with prosperity and financial wisdom.

Father, I thank You for I am already prosperous in You. I thank You for blessing me with the blessings that I deserve and with the blessings that I need. I thank You for making the plans of the wicked useless. I thank You for an answered prayer in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


Great Provider, I thank You for this beautiful day. Father, I thank You for the roof over my head. I thank You for the bed to sleep in. I thank You for the food on my table and I thank You for the clothes I wear. Please forgive me if I ever complained or ever doubted You.

Father, I put my finances into Your hands. Your word says in Proverbs that in all our ways I should acknowledge You and You shall direct my path. I know that everything that comes from you is good; and I know that if I have You, I have everything.  Increase me financially, Father. Your word said in Deuteronomy 8:18 that I should remember the Lord, my God, for it is He who gives the ability to produce wealth; and so confirms His covenant which He swore to my ancestors just as it is today. Riches or no riches, Father, I will always remember You. All power and glory come from You alone. My hope is in You. I know You will bless me just as it was done for my ancestors long ago. Bless me with divine wealth.

I invoke every blessing in my finances. I speak fruitfulness in my finances. I increase every single profit I make. I am fruitful. The work of my hands is blessed. Father, it is your desire for us that we would experience prosperity in all that we put our hands to do. For there is a great need in this world. Lord, we desire to be in a position where we can give to every good work so that the Kingdom may advance and lives can be transformed by your amazing love.

I thank You, Father, for changing the situation in my finances. I thank You for blessing me with prosperity and wealth. I thank You for securing my finances and for protecting my finances. I thank You for an answered prayer in Jesus’ name I have prayed with thanksgiving, Amen.


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