God Will Bless You So Much Before This Month Ends If You Say This Prayer Now

“Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Father, I thank You for the gift of life and for counting me worthy amongst the living. It is grace, it is by Your favor and it is by Your mercy that I am still alive, and for that, I am grateful.

God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, I come before You today. Father, I ask that You bless me with a miracle. Lord, I know that with You, all things are possible. Father, I refuse to agree that my situation is impossible. Show me that You are the God of all impossibilities for what You cannot do does not exist. Grant me a miracle today. I surrender my condition to you. I know that your grace is limitless and Your ability to grant a miracle is far beyond anything I can conceive. Even though my current situation appears to be impossible with man, I am confident that with You, all things are possible. I ask that You turn things around for my good.

Make a way where there seems to be no way Lord and let Your will be done in my life. Give me strength and shield me from all evil from my head to my toes. Destroy every satanic operation tampering with my glorious destiny. I stand in the power of Your name and I ask that You give me an uncommon turnaround to propel me into greatness. I pray for a shift in the atmosphere. Wherever I am supposed to be in life by now that I am not, Father, divinely shift me to that rightful position speedily according to Your plan and purpose. In Your grace, Lord, move me from minimum to maximum, raise me from the valley to the mountaintop; and make me the head and not the tail. Visit me with a miracle that will bring a tremendous transformation in my destiny and visit me with a miracle that will display Your great power to all. Bless me with a miracle that will put new testimonies in my mouth. Bless me with a miracle that will demonstrate the manifestation of Your wondrous power.  I know that the source of a miracle is always unexpected. I won’t try to figure it out, I just trust You and have faith in You.

I thank You Father for I know You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think. I thank You for an answered prayer in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”



“King of kings and Lord of lord’s, I thank You. Father, I thank You for how far You have brought me. You have been so good to me Lord, and for that, I am very grateful. I thank You for Your love, Your mercy, and Your protection upon my life.

Elohim, Your word says that You are the God who performs miracles; You display your power among the people. With Your mighty arm, You redeemed Your people and rescued them from their distress. Perform miracles in my life Lord to display Your power and glory. Increase my faith to trust in You. You are the miracle-working God. You turned water into wine. You restored sight to the blind and made the deaf hear. You made the lame walk. You healed the sick and raised the dead. You conquered death in your resurrection. Everything you touch is powerfully transformed. Let me know that powerful touch in my life. Give me the strength to follow You, God.

The power that You used to conquer death now lives in me. May I know that all-conquering power, today Lord. Your word says that, to those who ask, it will be given, to those who seek, it will be found, and to those who knock, the door will be opened. Hear my prayer for a miracle and grant my request. Please help me to look to you instead of relying on my own strength and trust that you always do what is best for me. Father, I ask that You favor me with this miracle today. You know my needs and desires. God, nothing is impossible with You. You can cause opposition to move out of the way. You can make this miracle happen. I ask for Your good favor, dear God. Keep my eyes on You and quiet my soul as I am waiting for a miracle. Please, God, I trust that You will always do the best thing for my life. And so I know that You will not withhold this blessing from me.

I thank You Father for an answered prayer in Jesus’ name I pray with thanksgiving, Amen.”


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