Oh Lord Most High, I thank You for this day. I thank You for the gift of life and for counting me worthy amongst the living. Thank You for Your grace, thank You for your favor, thank You for Your mercies, and thank You for Your blessings upon my life.

My shield and my defense, I come before You. I ask for Your protection upon my life, upon the members of my family, upon my friends, my loved ones, upon my business, and upon my home. Father, I commit my home into Your hands. Please build a wall of fire around my home. I anoint the four corners of my house with Your Holy fire. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus all over my house and in all the rooms of my house. Let Your angels take charge of my home. Let Your angels guard all the doors and gates of my home. No evil spirit will be able to penetrate or enter my home. Your word says in Psalm 3:3 that; but You, oh Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the lifter up of my head. Father, you are my shield and I am assured that no evil will befall me. You are the shield of my home for no evil will come near my home. Be the fence wall around my home.

Father, come and dwell and dine with me in my home. Be the chief guard of my home. I mark every member of my household with the precious blood of Your Son. Fortify my home and strengthen my home against evil eyes, arrows, and any attack. Confuse my contenders and turn their plans against them. Let Your peace reign in my home, let Your love reign in my home, and let Your joy reign in my home. You are our fortress, this home has walls of love that are built on you. You are our sanctuary, our Family rests in the grace laid out in your words of truth. You are our treasure, we hold one another in the faith, hope, and joy that you sent. You are our leader, we kneel at your feet and find protection, goodness, and rest.

I thank You, King, of kings for Your protection and I know my home is safe with You. I thank You for answering my prayer in Jesus’ name I have prayed, Amen.


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