“Heavenly Father, Giver of all blessings, from whom all good things come, the source of my life, joy and strength, thank You for Your grace. Thank You for Your love and thank You for the gift of life. Thank You for the breath that sustains life and for the love of family and friends, without which there would be no life.

Lord, I come to You today for financial prosperity. I ask that You bless me according to Your riches. I pray against any financial hindrances in my life. I ask that You break every curse of poverty and financial bondage over my life. I set ablaze every force caging my financial blessings. Please grant me divine opportunities to improve my finances. My finances are in Your hands, Lord. I ask that You grant me a financial breakthrough. Make me prosperous in everything I do and teach me to handle the money You bless me with wisely. Father, may my store basket be continually filled. Bind up the hands of the devourer and open the windows of heaven and pour out Your blessings in abundance today, financially and spiritually. I ask that You provide all the financial resources that I need at this time. I pray that You open the doors of financial increase unto my life and bless me. Your word says in Philippians 4:19 that my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus. Father, I pray that You bless me and set me free from financial burdens, financial stress, and lack; and I pray that You break every cycle of financial loss. I ask that You release a financial anointing upon me. I ask that You grant me peace and rest as You, Father, work towards my finances.

I thank You Lord and I declare a financial breakthrough in my life. I thank You for granting me financial blessings and stability. I thank You for an answered prayer in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”


As Christians, we have no need to worry about our finances. Our God will open the windows of heaven for us.  He will pour out blessings so great; that we will not have enough room to receive. Try it! Put Him to the test and He will never fail you.


“Eternal Father, I thank You for breathing life into me. I thank You for another day to pursue You and Your purpose for my life. I can’t imagine where I would have been without You, God. I exalt You because You are worthy to be praised. You are sovereign, Lord; and there’s no one that can take Your place.

Father, I put my finances into Your hands. Your word says in Proverbs that in all our ways I should acknowledge You and You shall direct my path. I know that everything that comes from You is good; and I know that if I have You, I have everything.  Your word also says in Haggai 2:8 that silver is Yours and gold is Yours. As Your child, I have nothing to worry about because You are the God of all riches. Father bless me with a miracle in my finances. Bless me to be a blessing unto others.  You are my financial support. No matter how hard I work, without Your blessing, I will still struggle and not make a profit. I have confidence in You that I will succeed in everything I do. Take total control of my finances. Let Your doors of financial blessings be opened unto me. Bless the work of my hands. Open great doors of opportunities in my life. Bless me with new and unique business ideas.

Order my steps to the right people in my business. Father, Your word said we should ask and it shall be given unto us; we should seek and we shall find, we should knock and the door shall be opened unto us. I stand on Your word and I ask that You bless me with a financial breakthrough. Open doors of greatness unto me. Let Your will be done in my finances. Protect me from the hands of the wicked one. I want to see positive changes in my finances. I want to prosper physically and spiritually. Let whatever I do or touch with my hand be a blessing.

I thank You, Great Provider for the financial blessings I’m about to receive. I thank You for the breakthrough on the way. I thank You, Father, for I know You shall provide for me according to Your riches in glory. I thank You for an answered prayer in Jesus’ name I have prayed, Amen.”


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